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PostPosted: Mon 10:46, 06 Dec 2010    Post subject: Supra Pilot Peace Meditation and Prayers

Let this light help heal the broken hearts of those who've lost family members to war. Allow this light to bring hope for a better life and a safer world. Picture this light taking away the fears that people have in their hearts and replacing their fears with dreams of living in peace. When done meditating,Supra Pilot, take a moment to say a word of thanks to whomever you prayed to for your peace prayer.
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Prayers for Peace
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Peace Meditation
For prayers of peace,Supra Suprano High, denomination or the entity that's worshiped by an individual doesn't matter. One can take a moment to ask for help for peace from their preferred divinity. This could be God, Jesus, Buddha, Gaia, Krishna, the universe, the Virgin Mary, Allah, Mother Nature or other divinities. An atheist address his higher self.
For this meditation and prayer, it's time to look past man's differences on Earth and try to move to a higher spiritual level where people can band together and live in harmony. Before beginning the following meditation, take the time to offer a prayer.
In this prayer, one can ask for fighting in the world to stop. Pray for the suffering to end and for the innocent to be protected. Ask that the children be protected and that people learn how to rectify their differences in a nonviolent way.
A peace meditation is a wonderful meditation that can be practiced daily. Along with a prayer for peace, it brings hope that one day mankind will be able to end all of its wars and live together in harmony.
Readers may also enjoy Mother Earth Spirituality – Gaia Meditation,Supra Cuban Shoes, along with Wiccan Meditation on Totem Animals, and What is Nature Meditation?
Now that love and peace have been sent, it's time to send healing. Picture a beautiful, bright white light shimmering down from the heavens. Notice how the light glistens with all of its healing energy. Take this healing light and send it out to all who need it. See this light as healing the wounds of war.
The dove is a symbol of peace. Visualize beautiful white doves flying to parts of the world that are currently at war bringing additional love. See peace and love surrounding all of those who are victims of fighting and who have suffered the loss of loved ones.
The Meditation Bible, Madonna Gauding, (Sterling Publishing Co.,Supra Top Shoes, Inc.,) 2005.
Get into a comfortable meditation pose and with the eyes closed, begin breathing. Envision sending love to war-torn areas of the world. Imagine this love as a substitute for anger and hatred. Let this love enter people's hearts in an effort to elicit kindness and positive feelings.
Prayers for Peace
Throughout mankind's history, there has always been war. Brother fighting against brother with so many unnecessary loses of life. Although it may only seem like a dream, the reality of world peace is one day possible. Perhaps John Lennon said it best in his song Imagine.

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